Wednesday 18 September 2019

soggy ears

Soggy  soggy  ears
acting like a leaking sponge
hate my ears
got over my swelling
now letting nature take it course

went to the chemist
olive oil ears drop on hand
wear ear plugs to stop the leakage
on my ears of years of ear problems

In the past
 I had them
now this  year 2019
got it back
ear oh ear please
give me a break of ear troubles.

the song goes sog sog soggy ears
tah tah  bloody soggy ears

Saturday 7 September 2019

To hear or not to hear

To hear or not hear
that is my question

having ear infection
isn't funny
its so painful to have

The burning / swelling ear
feel like cutting it off
ouch the pain
ouch hard to sleep

The feeling of no hope
off a good night sleep
feeling down on your self
feeling its annoying bunnies ear

Frustration set in
that bloody ear

The saying always goes
to hear or not to hear
that is a question